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PAGE Engage!

In Person

Atlanta (PAGE Office)

Participants at PAGE profeessional learning event
Registration will open soon

The Professional Association of Georgia Educators presents PAGE ENGAGE! – a professional learning experience that empowers educators to transform schools and classrooms into engagement and equity-focused environments where students thrive and teachers excel.

PAGE ENGAGE! blends innovation with real-world, real-time application in a collaborative experience. Within each PAGE ENGAGE! session, facilitators provide the strategies, tools, and conceptual framework to guide participants with engaging teaching practices that create safe and equitable learning environments.

PAGE welcomes teachers, academic/instructional coaches, college professors, and others currently teaching in a Georgia school or college. School teams are encouraged. Pre-service college of education students may also attend. Through PAGE ENGAGE! you will acquire vital skills and practical knowledge to transform teaching and learning in your classroom, your school, and beyond.


Session 1 – Gain a holistic understanding of students’ needs and their varied motives for learning, including developing teaching strategies that address equity needs

Session 2 – Design meaningful, engaging work across departments, grade levels, and teams

Session 3 – Extend engaging work from your classroom to your school as you develop skills for building effective relationships and two-way communications. Learn to leverage essential resources (information, time, people, space, and technology) to fully implement meaningful work


Registration Information: There is no registration fee for PAGE ENGAGE! and all resources are provided. PAGE members will be reimbursed for mileage and substitutes. A certificate of completion will be provided for those completing all sessions. If there are no cohort locations within reasonable driving distance from your area, please inquire. PAGE is willing to create additional cohorts if there is sufficient interest. In the event on-site meetings are not possible, virtual sessions and online learning will be available.

Questions? Contact PAGE Professional Learning at


Dr. Bill McCown

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