PAGE Foundation Scholarships
About the Scholarships
The PAGE Foundation is dedicated to promoting excellence in Georgia’s public schools and offers scholarships to enhance the teaching profession. In 1986, Georgia Gov. George Busbee presented the first PAGE Future Teacher Scholarship. Since then, PAGE has invested more than $600,000 in financial assistance to students who have distinguished themselves academically and through their service within the field of education. They will be the teachers who take Georgia’s students to the next millennium.
With the advent of the HOPE Scholarships, the Foundation shifted the focus of its financial assistance programs to include those who have already worked as educators. In addition to college students, scholarships are provided to teachers who wish to pursue graduate degrees and also to paraprofessionals who want to become teachers. As with the earlier scholarships, the goal remains the same: to enhance the teaching profession.
Applications are scored on the basis of academic achievement and recommendations, as well as two written essays. Each scholarship is a one-time cash award payable to the recipient’s college or university. The award amount is specified on the application for each scholarship.